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Echilibrul spiritual


Chiar daca pare cel mai neobisnuit factor de sanatate, acesta este cel mai important. Omul este o fiinta spirituala. Atunci cand este neglijata aceasta dimensiune, sanatatea fizica poate deveni fara sens atunci cand o folosesc in scop egoist sau distrugator. Credinta a fost un factor care pernanent a demonstrat ca este capabila sa ridice moralul unui om, sa ii dea curaj sa lupte impotriva bolii.

Viata sanatoasa cuprinde un spirit sanatos, plin de speranta si credinta. Este puterea pe care nu i-o poate lua nimeni.

Rugaciunea este o modalitate de vindecare. In acest sens, la Universitatea Harvard s-a facut un studiu interesant. S-a facut o cercetare epidemologica pentru a se verifica diversi factori care favorizeaza insanatosirea. cercetarea a demonstrat ca cine traieste experienta rugaciunii, inteleasa ca o comuniune cu un Dumnezeu perosonal, obtine un beneficiu mai mare in urma tratamentului medical si cunoaste un proces de insanatosire mai rapid. (Lary Dossey, Institutul National de Sanatate, S.U.A.)

Cel mai cunoscut experiment medical cu rugaciunea

One of the most quoted scientific studies of prayer was done between August of 1982 and May of 1983. 393 patients in the San Francisco General Hospitals Coronary Care Unit participated in a double blind study to assess the therapeutic effects of intercessory prayer. Patients were randomly selected by computer to either receive or not receive intercessory prayer. All participants in the study, including patients, doctors, and the conductor of the study himself remained blind throughout the study, To guard against biasing the study, the patients were not contacted again after it was decided which group would be prayed for, and which group would not.

It was assumed that although the patients in the control group would not be prayed for by the participants in the study, that others-family members, friends etc., would likely pray for the health of at least some of the members of the control group. There was no control over this factor. Meanwhile all of the members of the group that received prayer would be prayed for by not only those associated with the study, but by others as well.

The results of the study are not surprising to those of us who believe in the power of prayer. The patients who had received prayer as a part of the


study were healthier than those who had not. The prayed for group had less need of having CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) performed and less need for the use of mechanical ventilators. They had a diminished necessity for diuretics and antibiotics, less occurrences of pulmonary edema, and fewer deaths. Taking all factors into consideration, these results can only be attributed to the power of prayer

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